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Übersetzung in Slowakisch


Hm, hm
Hm, hm


I used to float, now I just fall down
Zvykla som sa nadnášať, teraz len padám
I used to know, but I′m not sure now
Zvykla som vediet, no teraz si nie som istá
What I was made for
Na čo som bol stvorený
What was I made for?
Na čo som bola stvorená?
Takin' a drive, I was an ideal
Vozím sa, bola som ideál
Looked so alive, turns out I′m not real
Vyzerala som tak živo, zistilo sa, že nie som reálna
Just somethin' you paid for
Len niečo, za čo ste si zaplatili
What was I made for? Hm
Na čo som bola stvorená? Hm?


'Cause I, I
Lebo ja, ja
I don′t know how to feel
Ja neviem ako sa mám cítiť
But I wanna try
Ale chcem skúsiť


I don′t know how to feel
Ja neviem ako sa mám cítiť
But someday I might
Ale jedného dňa môžem
Someday I might
Jedného dňa môžem


Mm, hm, ha, ah
Mm, hm, ha-ah
Hm, hm, hm
Hm, hm, hm


When did it end, all the enjoyment?
Kedy to skončilo? Všetok ten pôžitok
I'm sad again, don′t tell my boyfriend
Som opäť smutná, nehovor to môjmu priateľovi
It's not what he′s made for
Nie je to to, na čo je stvorený
What was I made for?
Na čo som bola stvorená?


'Cause I, ′cause I
Lebo ja, lebo ja
I don't know how to feel
Ja neviem ako sa mám cítiť
But I wanna try
Ale chcem skúsiť


I don't know how to feel
Ja neviem ako sa mám cítiť
But someday I might
Ale jedného dňa môžem
Someday I might
Jedného dňa môžem


Mm, hm, hm
Hm, hm, hm


Think I forgot how to be happy
Myslím si, že som zabudla ako byť šťastná
Somethin′ I′m not, but somethin' I can be
Niečo čo nie som, no niečo čo môžem byť
Somethin′ I wait for
Niečo, na čo čakám
Somethin' I′m made for
Niečo, na čo som stvorená
Somethin' I′m made for
Niečo, na čo som stvorená
Writer(s): Finneas Baird O'connell, Billie Eilish O'connell
The song 'What Was I Made For?' by Billie Eilish reflects on feelings of uncertainty and a search for purpose. The lyrics explore a sense of lost identity and a longing to understand one's place in the world, symbolized by questioning what one was made for and the desire to find happiness and fulfillment despite the struggles and sadness experienced.
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Identity and self-discovery
• I don't know how to feel • What was I made for? • Think I forgot how to be happy
Emotional struggle
• I don't know how to feel • I'm sad again, don't tell my boyfriend • But I wanna try
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Reflection, heartbreak, angst, despair, inspiration
Einstufung: PG
Lyrics to be enjoyed with parental supervision
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Letzte Bearbeitung 3 months ago
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What Was I Made For? [From The Motion Picture "Barbie"]
Single • 2023 • 1 Song
What Was I Made For? [From The Motion Picture "Barbie"]
Billie Eilish
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