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I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues

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about 1 month ago

Letra de I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues de Elton John


Don′t wish it away
Don't look at it like it′s forever
Between you and me
I could honestly say
That things can only get better


And while I'm away
Dust out the demons inside
And it won't be long before you and me run
To the place in our hearts where we hide


And I guess that′s why they call it the blues
Time on my hands could be time spent with you
Laughin′ like children, livin' like lovers
Rollin′ like thunder under the covers
And I guess that's why they call it the blues


Just stare into space
Picture my face in your hands
Live for each second without hesitation
And never forget I′m your man


Wait on me, girl
Cry in the night if it helps
But more than ever, I simply love you
More than I love life itself


And I guess that's why they call it the blues
Time on my hands could be time spent with you
Laughin′ like children, livin' like lovers
Rollin' like thunder under the covers
And I guess that′s why they call it the blues


Wait on me, girl
Cry in the night if it helps
But more than ever, I simply love you
More than I love life itself


And I guess that′s why they call it the blues
Time on my hands could be time spent with you
Laughin' like children, livin′ like lovers
Rollin' like thunder under the covers
And I guess that′s why they call it the blues


(Laughing like children, living like lovers)
And I guess that's why they call it the blues
(Laughing like children, living like lovers)
And I guess that′s why they call it the blues
And I guess that's why they call it the blues
Writer(s): Bernie Taupin, Elton John, Davey Johnstone


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The song 'I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues' by Elton John talks about finding solace and joy in love despite life's challenges. The lyrics convey the idea that love can bring happiness and comfort, even in difficult times, symbolized by the metaphor of 'the blues' representing both sadness and the depth of emotions in a relationship.
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Love and longing
• Time on my hands could be time spent with you • More than I love life itself • I simply love you
Hope and resilience
• Things can only get better • Dust out the demons inside • Wait on me, girl
Nostalgia and joy
• Rollin' like thunder under the covers • Laughin' like children, livin' like lovers
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Estados de ánimo
Love, joy, nostalgia, heartbreak, hope
Clasificación: G
¡La letra es para los niños y segura para todos!
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Última edición about 1 month ago
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