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over 1 year ago

Letra de Colored Spade de Hair Ensemble, Lamont Washington

I′m a colored spade
A negro, a black n*gger
A jungle bunny, Jigaboo coon
Pickaninny mau mau
Uncle Tom, Aunt Jemima
Little Black Sambo
Cotton pickin'
Swamp guinea
Junk man
Shoeshine boy
Elevator operator
Table cleaners at Horn and Hardart
Slave voodoo, zombie
Ubangi lipped
Flat nose, tap dancer
Resident of Harlem
And president of
The United States of Love
I said, president of
The United States of Love
You ask him to dinner
You′re gonna feed him
Watermelon, hominy grits
An' shortnin' bread
Alligator ribs, some pig tails (so you say)
Some black eyed peas (so you say)
Some chiles (so you say)
Some collard greens (so you say)
And if you don′t watch out
This boogeyman will get you
Boo! Yeah
So you say
Writer(s): Gerome Ragni, Galt Mac Dermot, James Rado


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Última edición over 1 year ago
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