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Letra de Blue Velvet de Lana Del Rey


She wore blue velvet
Bluer than velvet was the night
Softer than satin was the light
From the stars


She wore blue velvet
Bluer than velvet were her eyes
Warmer than May, her tender sighs
Love was ours
Ours a love I held tightly
Feeling the rapture grow
Like a flame burning brightly
But when she left
Gone was the glow of
Blue velvet
But in my heart there′ll always be
Precious and warm, a memory


Through the years
And I still can see
Blue velvet through my tears
Writer(s): Lee Morris, Bernie Wayne


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The song 'Blue Velvet' by Lana Del Rey describes a deep and nostalgic love that the singer once had, symbolized by the color blue. The blue velvet represents the intensity and warmth of the memories associated with the lost love, which continue to linger in the singer's heart despite the passage of time and the pain of separation.
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Nostalgia and memory
• And I still can see • But in my heart there'll always be • Through the years
Love and loss
• Gone was the glow of • But when she left • Ours a love I held tightly
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Estados de ánimo
Love, heartbreak, nostalgia, reflection, despair
Clasificación: G
¡La letra es para los niños y segura para todos!
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Última edición over 2 years ago
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