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about 2 years ago

Letra de The City de West Coast Wolves

Do you feel
A sense of longing
Slow it down
And start all over
Press reset
And we all forget
A smile
Cuts across my face
As the light
Breaks through the branches
It was a night
We should not forget
You walk in the City
Keep it on down you keep it on down
You′re talking in the City
I'm wandering to
I′m wondering too
You're lost
In the City
You keep it on down you keep it on down
You're laughing in the City
I′m wandering to
I′m wondering too
The light
Fills empty spaces
Hollow eyes
And vacant faces
The sun rises
And falls again
You fall in the City
Keep it on down you keep it on down
You're breaking in the City
I′m wandering to
I'm wondering too
You feel
In the City
You keep it on down you keep it on down
You′re breathing in the City
I'm wandering to
I′m wondering too
You walk in the City
Keep it on down you keep it on down
You're talking in the City
I'm wandering to
I′m wondering too
You′re lost
In the City
You keep it on down you keep it on down
You're laughing in the City
I′m wandering to
I'm wondering too
You walk in the City
You keep it on down you keep it on down
You′re lost in the City
I'm wandering to
I′m wondering too
Do you feel
A sense of longing
Slow it down
And start all over
The sun rises and falls again
Writer(s): Barry R De Vorzon, Joe Walsh


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Última edición about 2 years ago
The City
The City
Single • 2018 • 1 pista
The City
West Coast Wolves
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