The song 'Yume' by King Gnu talks about facing challenges and uncertainties in life with determination and hope. It uses metaphors like dreams, love, and the sea to convey the message of persevering through difficult times and finding strength within oneself and with others.
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Longing and desire
• 頼りの無い僕もいつか何者かに成れたなら
• あなたが望むなら
Nostalgia and memories
• あの頃
• 失くせやしない記憶の雨が古傷へと沁み渡ろうとも
Love and connection
• 求め合って重なり合うその先で僕ら 夢と成れ
• 愛と憎を聢と繋ぎ合わせて
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Love, reflection, heartbreak, nostalgia, joy
Classificazione: PG
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