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Translations (3)
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7 contributions
3 months ago
Original Lyrics
Translation in English


I can′t help but feel alive
I can't help but feel alive
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah


You picked up the phone at the seventh bell
Even if you don't say my name
A melody that naturally spills from your lips
でも言葉を失った瞬間が 一番幸せ
But the moment I lost my words is the happiest


Even on days that bad events occured
It all flies away when I see you
君に会えない my rainy days
I can't see you my rainy days
声を聞けば自動的に sun will shine
When I hear your voice, the sun will shine automatically


It's automatic
It's automatic
側にいるだけで その 目に見つめられるだけで
Just by being by your side, just by being stared at by those eyes
ドキドキ止まらない Noとは言えない
My heart won't stop, I can't say no
I just can′t help
I just can't help
It's automatic
It's automatic
抱きしめられると 君とParadiseにいるみたい
When you hold me, it feels like I'm in Paradise with you
キラキラまぶしくて 目をつぶるとすぐ
As soon as I close my eyes because it's so bright
I feel so good
I feel so good
It's automatic
It's automatic
Oh, yeah
Oh, yeah


Because your ambiguous attitude still makes me uneasy
こんなにほれてることは もう少し秘密にしておくよ
I'll keep it a little more secret that I'm so in love


Even on days that kindness was harsh
You always told me the truth
ひとりじゃ泣けない rainy days
Can't cry alone on rainy days
指輪をさわれば ほらね sun will shine
If you touch the ring, look, the sun will shine


It′s automatic
It's automatic
側にいるだけで 体中が熱くなってくる
Just by being by your side, my whole body becomes hot
ハラハラ隠せない 息さえ出来ない
I can't hide my nervousness, I can't even breathe
I just can′t help
I just can't help
It's automatic
It's automatic
アクセスしてみると 映るcomputer screenの中
Inside the computer screen that appears when you access
チカチカしてる文字 手をあててみると
When I put my hand on the flickering letters
I feel so warm
I feel so warm
It′s automatic
It's automatic
側にいるだけで 愛しいなんて思わない
I don't think you love me just by being by my side
ただ必要なだけ 淋しいからじゃない
It's just necessary, not because I'm lonely
I just need you
I just need you
Oh, yeah
Oh, yeah
It's automatic
It's automatic
抱きしめられると 君とParadiseにいるみたい
When you hold me, it feels like I'm in Paradise with you
キラキラまぶしくて wow, wow, yeah
Glittering brightly wow, wow, yeah
I feel so good
I feel so good
It′s automatic
It's automatic


I ちょうど want you here with me
I just want you here with me
Tell me why
Tell me why
It's automatic
It's automatic
Tell you why
Tell you why
It′s automatic
It's automatic
Baby, I need you
Baby, I need you
Oh, darling, darling, baby
Oh, darling, darling, baby
Writer(s): Hikaru Utada (pka Hikasou U)
The song 'Automatic' by Hikaru Utada talks about finding comfort and joy in the little things in life, even during tough times. The lyrics convey a sense of automatic happiness and warmth that comes from being with someone special, creating a paradise-like feeling amidst challenges and uncertainties.
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Love and connection
• I can't help but feel alive • 抱きしめられると 君とParadiseにいるみたい • 君に会うと全部フッ飛んじゃうよ
Happiness and joy
• I feel so good • キラキラまぶしくて wow, wow, yeah • 声を聞けば自動的に sun will shine
Vulnerability and uncertainty
• あいまいな態度がまだ不安にさせるから • こんなにほれてることは もう少し秘密にしておくよ
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Love, joy, reflection, hope, passion
Rating: G
Lyrics are child-friendly and safe for all!
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Last edit 3 months ago
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