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Translations (3)
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almost 4 years ago
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Translation in English


他是 一隻絨毛玩偶他是綠色的
He is a stuffed toy, he is green
樣子 是北極熊應該是怕熱的
Looks like a polar bear, should be bothered by hot weather
但是他是 那年春吶男孩帶著女孩
But he is, the boy took the girl to Spring Scream that year
在熱鬧 的墾丁街用飛鏢射到的
Gotten by shooting dart in the crowded Kenting street
他們合照了幾張 在星巴克
They took a few photos together in Starbucks
身上穿著鮮艷的 扶桑花色
Wearing in the bright color of hibucus
那時 小熊的表情還有些生澀
Back then, the expressions of the bear is a bit jerky
從此 他們的生活都有他跟著
Since then, their life is followed by him
有他跟著的時候 他們大致都快樂
When there is him following, they're mostly happy
他睡女孩枕頭旁 男孩睡外側
He sleeps next the pillow of the girl, the boy is sleeping in the side
他是 當他們吵架又合好的藥
He is the cure of their fighting and making up
They take it to tease each other, smile from the inner
他看著他們打鬧 有時被丟來丟去
He watches them fight, get threw sometimes
看過他們打砲 看過女孩抽搐
Watched them having sex, watched the girl twitching
他有時夜晚禱告 能一直跟著他們沒有憂慮
Sometimes he pray at night, can be with them forever without concerns
Go to everywhere


關於小熊的事 也關於你關於我
The things about the bear, is also about you, about me
關於留關於走 關於喜歡與否
About staying and leaving, about liking or not
關於小熊的事 也關於你關於我
The things about the bear, is also about you, about me
關於留關於走 關於喜歡與否
About staying and leaving, about liking or not


他不知道人會變 不知道
He doesn't know people change
男孩女孩之間為什麼沉默 他不知道
Why is it silent between the boy and the girl, he doesn't know
為什麼枕頭會溼掉 為什麼施暴
Why is the pillow wet, why violating
分開是遲早 但他不知道
Splitting apart is sooner or later, but he dowsing know
是哪裡出了問題 改變他們
Where is the problem that changed them
他以為他可以 他想問得得體
He thought that he could, he wanted to be polite
想懂一些哲理 但沒來得及
Want to know some physiology, but couldn't make it
就被 放進鞋盒裡
Before getting into the shoe box
There are their letters inside
他們的相片 電影的票根
Their photos, tickets of movies
之類的紀念 男孩 曾帶她去旅行
Some mementos like that, the boy had taken her traveling
帶給女孩的禮物 也問過他的意見
The gift to the girl, had asked him his opinion
Every single word in their letter is sweet
提到每段心情還有 常去的公園
Mentioned every emotions, and the park they often went to
看累了 小熊打了呵欠
Get tired for reading, the bear yawned
沉睡在那小空間 那是個冬天
Fall asleep in that small space, it is a winter day


關於小熊的事 也關於你關於我
The things about the bear, is also about you, about me
關於留 關於走 關於喜歡與否
About staying, about leave, about liking or not
關於小熊的事 也關於你關於我
The things about the bear, is also about you, about me
關於留關於走 關於喜歡與否
About staying and leaving, about liking or not
當畫面停在old days 抱在一起 男孩回答Always
When the frame stopped by old days, hug together, the boy answered "always"
當畫面停在old days 抱在一起 男孩回答Always
When the frame stopped by old days, hug together, the boy answered "always"


The bear haven't been waken up
沒再 被提起過 沒再 等到男孩陪著他們一起過
Never get mentioned again, didn't make it to the boy lives together with them
隨著太陽 起落了許多次
Along with sunrises and sunsets
直到女孩自己 做了許多事
Until the girl did a lot of things together
直到女孩成為女人 經歷更長的旅程
Until the girl became a woman, experience a longer journey
更溫柔的眼神 那鞋盒 偶爾又被打開
Gentler eyesight, the show box got opened from time to time
往事不斷蒙太奇 小熊卻仍舊靜止在那裡
The old things is montage, yet the bear is still there at rest
他早被哭髒了 他從沒洗過澡
He is stained by tears, he's never taken a shower
墾丁的熱鬧 從沒再看到
The crowd of Kenting, he never sees it again
從沒 跟著他們一起去遠方
Never travel far with them
他的填充物是遺憾 笑臉是假裝
He is stuffed by regrets, the smiling face is pretended
但他代表那一段 他是那證明
But he means that period, he is the prove
他的故事只到一半 愛情還盛行
His story is only halfway, love is still popular
在這世界上 儘管情書上的愛 只剩字面上
In this world, even thought the love in the letters is now only words
But it's his perpetual wish


關於小熊的故事 也關於你關於我
The story about the bear, is also about you, about me
關於留 關於走 關於喜歡與否
About staying, about leave, about liking or not
關於小熊的事 也關於你關於我
The things about the bear, is also about you, about me
關於留關於走 關於喜歡與否
About staying and leaving, about liking or not
關於小熊的事 也關於你關於我
The things about the bear, is also about you, about me
關於留關於走 關於喜歡與否
About staying and leaving, about liking or not
關於小熊的事 也關於你關於我
The things about the bear, is also about you, about me
關於留關於走 關於喜歡與否
About staying and leaving, about liking or not


當畫面停在old days 抱在一起 男孩回答Always
When the frame stopped by old days, hug together, the boy answered "always"
當畫面停在old days 抱在一起 男孩回答Always
When the frame stopped by old days, hug together, the boy answered "always"
Writer(s): Zhen Xi Duo


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Last edit almost 4 years ago
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