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Translations (6)
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13 contributions
over 1 year ago
Original Lyrics
Translation in English


Dime qué vas a hacer
Tell me what you are going to do
Entrégate a mi piel
Surrender yourself to my skin
Dame tu amor
Give me your love
Dame tu alma
Give me your soul
Otra vez
Once more
Contigo envejecer
With you aging
Contigo amanecer
Waking up with you
Tus labios me cantan
Your lips sing to me
Tus manos me calman
Your hands soothe me
Otra vez
Once more


Vuelve a casa ya
Come back home now
Juntos hasta el final
Together until the end
Tanto quiero llorar
So much I long to weep
Basta ya
Basta ya


Entre tus manos hay más
In your hands, there's more
Disfruto tanto estar
I enjoy being so much
Te quiero amar
I want to love
Tengo que aceptarlo ya
I have to accept it now
Aunque me está matando y más
Even though it's killing me and more
Pierdo hasta la sanidad
I lose even my sanity
Y pienso en ti, basta ya
And I think about you, enough
Es que ya no puedo más
I just can't take it anymore
Vuelve a casa ya
Come back home now
Juntos hasta el final
Together until the end
Tanto quiero llorar
So much I long to weep
Basta ya
Basta ya


Vuelve a casa ya
Come back home now
Juntos hasta el final
Together until the end
Tanto quiero llorar
So much I long to weep
Basta ya
Basta ya
Writer(s): Maria Zardoya, Josh Conway


Last edit over 1 year ago
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