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Übersetzungen (7)
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22 Beiträge
over 2 years ago
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Übersetzung in Indonesisch


So the story begins
Jadi begini ceritanya


City dweller, successful fella
Orang kota, orang sukses
Thought to himself "Oops, I′ve got a lot of money (I got money)
Bilang ke dirinya, "Oop, aku punya duit banyak
Caught in a rat race, terminally
Terperangkap dalam perlombaan tikus pada akhirnya,
I'm a professional cynic but my heart′s not in it
Aku profesional sinis, tapi hatiku ga di sana
I'm paying the price of living life at the limit
Saya membayar harga menjalani hidup pada batas
Caught up in the century's anxiety"
Terperangkap dalam kecemasan abad ini
Yes, it preys on him (it preys on him)
Ya, itu memangsa dia (itu memangsa dia)
He′s getting thin (getting thin)
Dia semakin kurus (semakin kurus)
Try the simple life
Coba hidup sederhana


He lives in a house, a very big house in the country
Dia tinggal di sebuah rumah, rumah yang sangat besar di negara ini
Watching afternoon repeats and the food he eats in the country
Menonton sore berulang dan yang dia makan, di negara
He takes all manner of pills and piles up analyst bills in the country
Dia mengambil segala macam pil dan menumpuk tagihan analis, di negara
Oh, it′s like an animal farm, lots of rural charm in the country
Oh, ini seperti peternakan hewan, banyak pesona pedesaan di negeri ini


He's got morning glory and life′s a different story
Dia punya kejayaan pagi dan hidup itu cerita yang berbeda
Everything's going jackanory (jackanory)
Semuanya berjalan jackanory (jackanory)
Touched with his own mortality
Tersentuh dengan kefanaanny sendiri
He′s reading Balzac, knocking back Prozac
Dia membaca balzac dan mengetuk kembali prozac
It's a helping hand that makes you feel wonderfully bland (close your eyes, yeah)
Ini adalah uluran tangan yang membuat Anda merasa sangat hambar (tutup mata Anda, ya)
Oh, it′s the century's remedy
Oh, itu obat satu abad
For the faint at heart (faint at heart)
Untuk yang pingsan di hati (pingsan di hati)
A brand-new start (new start)
Awal baru (awal baru)
Try the simple life
Coba hidup sederhana


He lives in a house, a very big house in the country
Dia tinggal di sebuah rumah, rumah yang sangat besar di negara ini
He's got a fog in his chest, so he needs a lot of rest in the country
Dia punya kabut di dadanya jadi dia butuh istirahat, di negara
He doesn′t drink, smoke, laugh, takes herbal baths in the country
Dia tidak minum, merokok, tertawa, mandi herbal, di negara ini
But you′ll come to no harm on the animal farm in the country
Tetapi anda tidak akan terluka di peternakan hewan, di negara ini


In the country
Di Negara
In the country
Di Negara
In the country
Di Negara


Blow, blow me out, I am so sad, I don't know why?
Ledakan, ledakanku keluar, saya sangat sedih, saya tidak tahu kenapa
Blow, blow me out, I am so sad, I don′t know why?
Ledakan, ledakanku keluar, saya sangat sedih, saya tidak tahu kenapa


Oh, he lives in a house, a very big house in the country
Oh, dia tinggal di sebuah rumah, rumah sangat besar, di desa
Watching afternoon repeats and the food he eats in the country
Menonton sore berulang dan yang dia makan, di negara
He takes all manner of pills and piles up analyst bills in the country
Dia mengambil segala macam pil dan menumpuk tagihan analis, di negara
Oh, it's like an animal farm lots of rural charm in the country
Oh, ini seperti peternakan hewan, banyak pesona pedesaan di negeri ini
Oh, he lives in a house, a very big house in the country
Oh, dia tinggal di sebuah rumah, rumah sangat besar, di desa
He′s got a fog in his chest, so he needs a lot of rest in the country
Dia punya kabut di dadanya jadi dia butuh istirahat, di negara
He doesn't drink, smoke, laugh, takes herbal baths in the country
Dia tidak minum, merokok, tertawa, mandi herbal, di negara ini
But you′ll come to no harm on the animal farm in the country
Tetapi anda tidak akan terluka di peternakan hewan, di negara ini
La, la, la, la
Itu, itu, itu, itu


I wanna be
Aku ingin menjadi
I wanna be
Aku ingin menjadi
Writer(s): Damon Albarn, Graham Leslie Coxon, Alexander James Steven, Alexander Rowntree David
The song 'Country House' by Blur tells the story of a city dweller who, feeling overwhelmed by the fast-paced urban life, escapes to the countryside seeking a simpler and more peaceful existence. Through vivid imagery and metaphors like 'animal farm' and 'morning glory,' the song explores themes of escapism, disillusionment, and the desire for a fresh start away from the pressures of modern society.
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Disillusionment with success
• I'm paying the price of living life at the limit • I'm a professional cynic but my heart's not in it • Caught in a rat race, terminally
Search for simplicity
• Try the simple life • But you'll come to no harm on the animal farm in the country • He lives in a house, a very big house in the country
Mental health struggles
• He's got a fog in his chest, so he needs a lot of rest • He takes all manner of pills and piles up analyst bills • Blow, blow me out, I am so sad, I don't know why?
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Social commentary, angst, reflection, solitude, heartbreak
Einstufung: PG
Lyrics to be enjoyed with parental supervision
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Letzte Bearbeitung over 2 years ago
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