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Letra original
Traducción en Español


In the town where I was born
En el pueblo que nací
Lived a man who sailed to sea
Vivía un hombre que navegó el mar
And he told us of his life
Y el nos contó de su vida
In the land of submarines
En la tierra de submarinos
So we sailed onto the sun
Entonces zarpamos hasta el sol
′Til we found the sea of green
Hasta que encontramos lo verde del mar
And we lived beneath the waves
Y vivimos debajo de las olas
In our yellow submarine
En nuestro submarino amarillo


We all live in a yellow submarine
Todos vivimos en el submarino amarillo
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
Submarino amarillo, sumbarillo amarillo
We all live in a yellow submarine
Todos vivimos en el submarino amarillo
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
Submarino amarillo, sumbarillo amarillo


And our friends are all aboard
Y nuestros amigos están a bordo
Many more of them live next door
Muchos más de ellos viven a la par
And the band begins to play
Y la banda empezó a tocar


We all live in a yellow submarine
Todos vivimos en el submarino amarillo
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
Submarino amarillo, sumbarillo amarillo
We all live in a yellow submarine
Todos vivimos en el submarino amarillo
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
Submarino amarillo, sumbarillo amarillo


Full speed ahead Mr. Boatswain, full speed ahead!
(Velocidad máxima hacia Mr. Boatswain, velocidad máxima hacia adelante
Full speed ahead it is, Sgt.
Velocidad máxima adelante, Sargento.
Cut the cable! Drop the cable!
Corta el cable, tira el cable
Aye, Sir, aye!
¡Sí, señor, sí!
Captain, captain!
Capitán, capitán)


As we live a life of ease (a life of ease)
Como vivimos una vida de facilidad (una vida de facilidad)
Everyone of us has all we need (everyone of us has all we need)
Todos tenemos todo lo que necesitamos (todos tenemos todo lo que necesitamos)
Sky of blue and sea of green (sky of blue, sea of green)
Cielo de azul y mar de verde (cielo de azul, mar de verde)
In our yellow submarine (in our yellow submarine)
En nuestro submarino amarillo (en nuestro submarino amarillo)


We all live in a yellow submarine
Todos vivimos en el submarino amarillo
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
Submarino amarillo, sumbarillo amarillo
We all live in a yellow submarine
Todos vivimos en el submarino amarillo
A yellow submarine, yellow submarine
Un submarino amarillo, submarino amarillo


We all live in a yellow submarine
Todos vivimos en el submarino amarillo
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
Submarino amarillo, sumbarillo amarillo
We all live in a yellow submarine
Todos vivimos en el submarino amarillo
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
Submarino amarillo, sumbarillo amarillo
Writer(s): Paul Mccartney, John Lennon
The song 'Yellow Submarine' by The Beatles tells a whimsical story of a group of people living in a yellow submarine, symbolizing a carefree and harmonious existence. The yellow submarine represents a safe and joyful place where they find everything they need, surrounded by friends and music, sailing through a sea of green and blue, portraying a simple and content life.
Mostra més
Imagination and adventure
• So we sailed onto the sun • And we lived beneath the waves • In the town where I was born • Lived a man who sailed to sea
Community and friendship
• Many more of them live next door • And our friends are all aboard
Contentment and simplicity
• Sky of blue and sea of green • As we live a life of ease • Everyone of us has all we need
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Estados de ánimo
Joy, adventure, peace, celebration, love
Clasificación: G
¡La letra es para los niños y segura para todos!
Mostra més


Última edición 12 months ago
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