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Letra de R.I.P. 2 My Youth de The Neighbourhood


RIP to my youth
And you could call this the funeral
I′m just telling the truth
And you can play this at my funeral


Wrap me up in Chanel inside my coffin
Might go to Hell and there ain't no stopping
Might be a sinner and I might be a saint
I′d like to be proud, but somehow I'm ashamed
Sweet little baby in a world full of pain
I gotta be honest, I don't know if I could take it
Everybody′s talking, but what′s anybody saying?
Mama said if I really want to, then I can change it, yeah
RIP to my youth
If you really listen, then this is to you
Mama, there is only so much I can do
Tough for you to witness, but it was for me too


I'm using white lighters to see what′s in front of me


RIP to my youth
And you can call this the funeral
I'm just telling the truth, yeah
You could play this at my funeral
Tell my sister, "Don′t cry and don't be sad
I′m in Paradise with dad"
Close my eyes and then cross my arms
Put me in the dirt, let me dream with the stars


Throw me in a box with the oxygen off
You gave me the key and you locked every lock
When I can't breathe, I won't ask you to stop
When I can′t breathe, don′t call for a cop
I was naive and hopeful and lost
Now I'm aware and driving my thoughts, oh


What do I do? What do I do?
I don′t believe it if I don't keep proof
I don′t believe it if I don't know you
I don′t believe it if it's on the news or on the internet
I need a cigarette


I'm using white lighters to see what′s in front of me
I′m using white lighters to see


RIP to my youth
And you can call this the funeral
I'm just telling the truth
And you could play this at my funeral
Tell my sister, "Don′t cry and don't be sad
I′m in Paradise with dad"
Close my eyes and then cross my arms
Put me in the dirt, let me be with the stars


(I'm using white lighters to see what′s in front of me)
(I'm using white lighters to see what's in front of me)
Writer(s): Zachary Abels, Mike Margott, Justyn Pilbrow, Jeremy Freedman, Brandon Fried, Benjamin Levin, Jesse Rutherford


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The song 'R.I.P. 2 My Youth' by The Neighbourhood reflects on the struggles and conflicts faced while growing up, symbolized by the metaphor of bidding farewell to one's youth. The lyrics convey a sense of introspection, regret, and acceptance of past mistakes, with the artist contemplating the uncertainties of life and the desire for change amidst feelings of guilt and longing for a simpler time.
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Loss and nostalgia
• RIP to my youth • I'm just telling the truth • And you could call this the funeral
Struggle with identity
• I'd like to be proud, but somehow I'm ashamed • Might be a sinner and I might be a saint
Pain and resilience
• I gotta be honest, I don't know if I could take it • Sweet little baby in a world full of pain
Acceptance of mortality
• Tell my sister, 'Don't cry and don't be sad' • I'm in Paradise with dad
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Estados de ánimo
Reflection, heartbreak, angst, despair, nostalgia
Clasificación: PG-13
La letra puede ser inadecuada para los más pequeños
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Última edición over 2 years ago
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