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Original Lyrics
Translation in Romanian


Yo, my best friend, best friend ′til the very end
Eu, cel mai prieten al meu ,cel mai bun prieten pana la capat
'Cause best friends, best friends don′t have to pretend
Pentru ca cei mai buni prieteni,cei mai buni prieteni nu trebuie sa ce preface
You need a hand, and I'm right there, right beside you
Ai nevoie de o mana si sunt chiar acolo,chiar langa tine
You in the dark, I'll be the bright light to guide you
Tu in intuneric,voi fi lumina puternica pentrua va calauzi
′Member the times, times, times sneaking out the house?
'Membru ori,ori,ori,care fura in casa
All of the times, times, times that you had a doubt
De fiecare data,de ori,de momente in cara ai avut o indoiala
And don′t forget all the trouble we got into
Si nu uitati toate necazurile pe care le-am avut
We got something you can't undo, do
Avem ceva ce nu poti renunta, nu


Laughing so damn hard, crashed your dad′s new car
Rezand asa de tare,distrgeti noua masina a tatalui tau
All the scars we shared, I promise, I swear
Toate cicatricile pe care le-am impartasit promit sa jur


Wherever you go, just always remember
Oriunde mergeti, amintiti-va mereu
That you got a home for now and forever
Ca ai o casa pentru acum si pentru totdeauna
And if you get low, just call me whenever
Si daca te scuzi, suna-ma mereu
This is my oath to you
Acesta este juramantul meu pentru voi
Wherever you go, just always remember
Oriunde mergeti, amintiti-va mereu
You never alone, we're birds of a feather
Nu esti niciodata singura ,noi suntem pasari de pene
And we′ll never change, no matter the weather
Si nu vom schimba niciodata,indiferent de vreme
This is my oath to you
Acesta este juramantul meu pentru voi


I know I drive you crazy, mm, sometimes
Stiu ca te innebunesc uneori
I know I call you lazy, and that's most times
Stiu ca te numesc lenes si de cele mai multe ori
But you complete me, and that′s no lie
Dar tu ma completezi si asta nu e minciuna
You are my tuxedo, and I'm your bowtie
Tu esti tuxedo mea, si eu sunt ticalosul tau
We in the car, sing, sing, singing our song
Noi in masina,cantam,cantam,cantam cantecul nostru
Walk in the building, tear it down like we King Kong
Mergeti in cladire,rupeti-l ca si noi,regele kong
And in my eyes, you can do, do no wrong
Si in ochii mei, puteti face,nu faceti rau
You got the best friends sing, sing along
Ai cei mai buni prienteni cantand,cantand de-a lungul timpului


Laughing so damn hard, crashed your dad's new car
Rezand asa de tare,distrgeti noua masina a tatalui tau
All the scars we shared, I promise, I swear
Toate cicatricile pe care le-am impartasit promit sa jur


Wherever you go, just always remember
Oriunde mergeti, amintiti-va mereu
That you got a home for now and forever
Ca ai o casa pentru acum si pentru totdeauna
And if you get low, just call me whenever
Si daca te scuzi, suna-ma mereu
This is my oath to you
Acesta este juramantul meu pentru voi
Wherever you go, just always remember
Oriunde mergeti, amintiti-va mereu
You never alone, we′re birds of a feather
Nu esti niciodata singura ,noi suntem pasari de pene
And we′ll never change, no matter the weather
Si nu vom schimba niciodata,indiferent de vreme
This is my oath to you
Acesta este juramantul meu pentru voi


Oh, I'll never let you go
Nu te voi lasa sa pleci
Oh, whoa, this is my oath to you
Ohh woah,aceste este juramantul meu pentru tine
Oh, just thought that you should know
Crezi ca ar trebui sa stii
Oh, whoa, this is my oath to you, yeah
Ohh woah,acesta este meu pentru tine da


Wherever you go, just always remember
Oriunde mergeti, amintiti-va mereu
That you got a home for now and forever
Ca ai o casa pentru acum si pentru totdeauna
And if you get low, just call me whenever
Si daca te scuzi, suna-ma mereu
This is my oath to you
Acesta este juramantul meu pentru voi
Wherever you go, just always remember
Oriunde mergeti, amintiti-va mereu
You never alone, we′re birds of a feather
Nu esti niciodata singura ,noi suntem pasari de pene
And we'll never change, no matter the weather
Si nu vom schimba niciodata,indiferent de vreme
This is my oath to you
Acesta este juramantul meu pentru voi


Oh, you should know, you should know
Ar trebui sa stii,ar trebui sa stii
You should know, you should know, yeah
Ar trebui sa stii,ar trebui sa stii da
Oh, whoa, this is my oath to you
Ohh woah,aceste este juramantul meu pentru tine


Wherever you go, just always remember
Oriunde mergeti, amintiti-va mereu
You never alone, we′re birds of a feather
Nu esti niciodata singura ,noi suntem pasari de pene
(Oh) and we'll never change, no matter the weather
Si nu vom schimba niciodata,indiferent de vreme
This is my oath to you
Acesta este juramantul meu pentru voi
Writer(s): Lukasz Gottwald, Emily Wright, Henry Russell Walter, Daniel Thomas Omelio, Ammar Malik, Rebecca Gomez


Last edit 6 months ago
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