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Translation in Slovak


Hey Jake
Ahoj Jake
I made one phone call
Spravil som jeden telefonát
I′ve got the same house as you
Mám ten istý dom ako ty
Same cars too, it's really not that hard
Isté autá tiež, vážne to nie je také ťažké
Oh, hey, by the way welcome to the top little brother
Oh,hej, mimochodom vitaj navrchu malý braček
Feels good, huh
Feels good, huh
But let′s not forget how you got here
Ale nezabudnime ako si sa sem dostal
Yeah, yeet
Yeah, yeet


Little brother Jakey tryna roast me (what?!)
Malý braček Jakey sa ma snaží ponížiť (what?!)
Little brother standing on his own two feet (not for long)
Malý braček stojací na jeho vlastných dvoch nohách (nie nadlho)
I'm a dog, you're a puppy, call you Kong
Ja som pes , ty si šteňa, zavolaj si Konga
Let′s talk about your garbage that you call a song
Poďme sa porozprávať o tvojom odpade ktorému hovoríš pieseň
It should be every other day, just some strong advice
Malo by to byť každý druhý deň, iba silná rada
I made you famous once, it′s about to happen twice
Preslávil som ťa raz, stane sa to dvakrát
Yeah you on Disney but who helped you read all your lines? (that's me)
Áno si v Disney, ale kto ti pomáhal čítať texty? (to som ja)
Don′t forget boy you were my shadow on Vine
Nezabúdaj chlapče, ty si bol môj tieň na Vine
Now you got a few subscribers and you think that you're the shit
Teraz máš pár odberateľov a myslíš si, že niečo si
I′ll admit you got money, you got bars, you got chicks
Uznávam, máš peniaze, tehličky, kurvy
But you're a dick
Ale si kokot
You ain′t thankful for your fans, it's kind of funny
Nie si vďačný za svojich fanúšikov, je to trochu vtipné
Do your investors know Team 10 ain't making any money?
Vedia tvoji investori, že team 10 nezarába žiadne peniaze?
See it starts with the talent, but it′s hard when you got none
Vidíš, začína to s talentom, ale je to ťažké, ked žiadny nemáš
I think you kinda salty cause I′m the favorite son
Myslím si, že si trochu nahnevaný, lebo ja som obľúbený syn
I'm a Maverick, you′re a side kick
Ja som Maverick, ty si vývrheľ
Yeah, I brought you to LA
Yeah, ja som ťa priniesol do LA
If there's one thing you should know
Ak je tu jedna vec, čo by si mal vedieť
You don′t fuck with the Logang!!!
Nevyjebávaj s Logangom!!!
Hold up, Imma throw it, looking at your face you don't know what it means to glow up
Hold up, Imma throw it, looking at your face you don't know what it means to glow up
Tryna dance and acting class, doing nothing, now you tryna rap, c′mon (Hold up)
Tryna dance and acting class, doing nothing, now you tryna rap, c′mon (Hold up)
Cash and flow, you can't, oh no
Cash and flow, you can't, oh no
Maybe Team 10's got it?
Maybe Team 10's got it?
I mean that′s how you grow
I mean that′s how you grow
But you still can′t sell out any shows, no
But you still can′t sell out any shows, no
You still can't find some matching clothes (yeah, yeet)
You still can't find some matching clothes (yeah, yeet)
You′re just killing the vibe, yeah
You′re just killing the vibe, yeah
You ain't doing it right, yeah
You ain't doing it right, yeah
Trying to play ball with the dogs, you don′t know what you've done
Trying to play ball with the dogs, you don′t know what you've done
You just ruined your life, yeah
You just ruined your life, yeah
You′re just killing the vibe, yeah
You′re just killing the vibe, yeah
You ain't doing it right, yeah
You ain't doing it right, yeah
Trying to play ball with the dogs, you don't know what you′ve done
Trying to play ball with the dogs, you don't know what you′ve done
You just ruined your life, yeah
You just ruined your life, yeah
What happened Jake, man, we used to love each other
What happened Jake, man, we used to love each other
After all we came from the same mother
After all we came from the same mother
Biologically you know that makes us brothers
Biologically you know that makes us brothers
So much negativity it really makes me wonder
So much negativity it really makes me wonder
I feel like you just need a Maverick shirt (Link in description)
I feel like you just need a Maverick shirt (Link in description)
When you insult me Jakey, it really hurts
When you insult me Jakey, it really hurts
Sometimes I wish my real brother was Dirk (Disney)
Sometimes I wish my real brother was Dirk (Disney)
But now I gotta go and put you in the dirt
But now I gotta go and put you in the dirt
Whoa, wait
Whoa, wait


Hold up, hold up, why′d the music stop?
Hold up, hold up, why′d the music stop?
Writer(s): Logan Paul, Stephon A Wimberly, Dimitri Green
The song 'The Fall of Jake Paul' by Logan Paul feat. Why Don't We portrays a feud between two brothers, highlighting jealousy, betrayal, and the consequences of fame. The lyrics depict one brother feeling superior and calling out the other for changing negatively after gaining fame, ultimately leading to a broken relationship and a sense of disappointment.
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Brotherly rivalry
• Little brother Jakey tryna roast me • I made you famous once, it's about to happen twice • What happened Jake, man, we used to love each other
Success and fame
• You don't fuck with the Logang!!! • I've got the same house as you • I'll admit you got money, you got bars, you got chicks
Disappointment and betrayal
• You ain't thankful for your fans, it's kind of funny • So much negativity it really makes me wonder • When you insult me Jakey, it really hurts
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Anger, angst, heartbreak, love, reflection
Rating: PG-13
Lyrics may be unsuitable for younger ears
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Last edit almost 8 years ago
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The Fall of Jake Paul
The Fall of Jake Paul
Single • 2017 • 1 track
The Fall of Jake Paul
Logan Paul, Why Don't We
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