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Translations (3)
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22 contributions
12 months ago
Original Lyrics
Translation in English


Enquanto você se esforça pra ser
While you strive to be
Um sujeito normal e fazer tudo igual
An ordinary guy and make everything the same
Eu do meu lado aprendendo a ser louco
Me on my side learning how to be crazy
Um maluco total, na loucura real
Completely crazy, in the real madness


Controlando a minha maluquez
Keeping control of my madnessence
Misturada com minha lucidez
Mixed up with my lucidity


Vou ficar
I'll turn out to be
Ficar com certeza
Turn out to be certainly
Maluco beleza
Madly lovely
Eu vou ficar
I'll turn out to be
Ficar com certeza
Turn out to be certainly
Maluco beleza
Madly lovely


Esse caminho que eu mesmo escolhi
This way that I chose by myself
É tão fácil seguir, por não ter onde ir
It's so easy to follow, because there's nowhere to go


Controlando a minha maluquez
Keeping control of my madnessence
Misturada com minha lucidez, eu
Mixed up with my lucidity, I
Controlando a minha maluquez
Keeping control of my madnessence
Misturada com minha lucidez
Mixed up with my lucidity


Vou ficar
I'll turn out to be
Ficar com certeza
Turn out to be certainly
Maluco beleza
Madly lovely
Eu vou ficar
I'll turn out to be
Ficar com certeza
Turn out to be certainly
Maluco beleza
Madly lovely
Eu vou ficar
I'll turn out to be
Ficar com certeza
Turn out to be certainly
Maluco beleza, beleza
Madly lovely, lovely
Eu vou ficar
I'll turn out to be
Vou ficar com toda certeza
I'll turn out to be for sure
Maluco, maluco beleza, beleza
Madly, madly lovely, lovely
Writer(s): Claudio Roberto Andrade De Azeredo, Raul Seixas
The song 'Maluco Beleza' by Raul Seixas talks about embracing one's uniqueness and eccentricity in a world that often expects conformity. The lyrics convey a message of staying true to oneself, celebrating individuality, and finding beauty in being different, represented by the metaphor of being a 'crazy beauty.'
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Embracing individuality
• Eu do meu lado aprendendo a ser louco • Esse caminho que eu mesmo escolhi • Enquanto você se esforça pra ser
Balance between sanity and madness
• Controlando a minha maluquez • Misturada com minha lucidez
Acceptance of one's nature
• Maluco beleza • Vou ficar com certeza
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Joy, empowerment, reflection, celebration, social commentary
Rating: G
Lyrics are child-friendly and safe for all!
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Last edit 12 months ago
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