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When They Call My Name

Traduções (7)
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18 contribuições
over 3 years ago
Letra original
Tradução em Árabe


I′m gonna get out
I′m gonna get out
If it's the last thing that I do
If it's the last thing that I do
And in my heart
And in my heart
My 15 minutes are burned through
My 15 minutes are burned through
I won′t come back to fall off track
I won′t come back to fall off track
The way that I survived
بالطريقة التي استطعت بها النجاة
It's a violent world
It's a violent world
But today I'm still alive
But today I'm still alive


I need you to tell me everything will be alright
أحتاج منك ان تخبرني ان كل شئ سيكون بخير
To chase away the voices in the night
لتطارد الاصوات اللي تهمس ليلا
When they call my name
مناديةً بإسمي
Have I gone insane?
هل جُننت؟


These thoughts will kill me
These thoughts will kill me
And everything that I hold true
And everything that I hold true
And as I grow
And as I grow
I let my fear replace my youth
I let my fear replace my youth
I won′t turn back
لن أعود مجددا
I won′t cross that hidden danger line
لن أتخطي ذلك الحاجز المخفي للخطر
It's a loud and dark world
إنه عالم مزعج ومعتم
But I think I found the light
لكن اعتقد انني وجدت النور


I need you to tell me everything will be alright
أحتاج منك ان تخبرني ان كل شئ سيكون بخير
To chase away the voices in the night
لتطارد الاصوات اللي تهمس ليلا
When they call my name
مناديةً بإسمي
Have I gone insane?
هل جُننت؟
I need you to tell me everything will be alright
أحتاج منك ان تخبرني ان كل شئ سيكون بخير


To chase away the voices in the night
لتطارد الاصوات اللي تهمس ليلا
When they call my name
مناديةً بإسمي
Have I gone insane?
هل جُننت؟
I need you to tell me everything will be alright
أحتاج منك ان تخبرني ان كل شئ سيكون بخير
To chase away the voices in the night
لتطارد الاصوات اللي تهمس ليلا
When they call my name
مناديةً بإسمي
Have I gone insane?
هل جُننت؟
Writer(s): John Feldmann, Matthew Pauling, Andrew Biersack, Zachary Cervini, Jacob Pitts, Jeremy Ferguson


Última edição: over 3 years ago
Mostrar 18 contribuidores
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